Gum Disease Has Been Scientifically Linked to Systemic Health Issues
Gum disease is a progressive disease that, when left untreated, affects the teeth and bone beneath the gum line. Once it has gained access to the tooth roots, harmful bacteria have access to the blood stream, where it begins to affect other areas of the body and puts you at risk of:
- Stroke
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Certain types of cancer
- Preterm, low birth weight babies
To keep your body healthy, Dr. Gordon Wilson offers Perio Protect® as a supplemental gum disease treatment option. They are also an excellent option for the prevention of gum disease.
Leading Provider of Perio Tray® Treatment
Dr. Wilson is one of the top providers of Perio Trays® in the world, and often recommends Perio Trays® in addition to Therapeutic Laser Care (TLC©). Perio Trays® are similar to a mouth guard and serve as a system to deliver medication to the roots of teeth and beneath gum tissue – the source of perio infection. This non-invasive and pain-free treatment can be used for those with any stage of gum disease. In addition, the trays can be used in the comfort of your own home so you can restore your oral health and reduce symptoms on your schedule.
Proven Results for Patients of All Ages, At All Stages of Gum Disease
Following any gum treatment, Perio Trays® can also help to maintain a healthy state for your smile – a benefit unique to this treatment method. As a dental professional with over 20 years of experience treating gum disease, Dr. Wilson has seen the effectiveness and proven success of the Perio Trays® for pocket reduction. He is proud to offer this treatment alternative to every patient at any stage of gum disease.
The Laser Gum Doctor
“Just last week we had a patient in our office. When I sat down to do the exam she told me just how thrilled she was that she’d come to see me, about a year ago. We did the laser procedure on her and she said that her gums had filled in. Now I questioned it because I didn’t remember what her teeth looked like before. But we’d actually taken a photo. When I looked at the photo, she was right, she had spaces between her front four teeth, and she was told she was going to lose all four of those teeth. She came to me, we did the laser and just last week her teeth had actually shifted back together. It almost looked like we had done orthodontics on her.”
Dr. Gordon Wilson – The Laser Gum Doctor